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Chiropractor Bo Mathias stretching patient at Columbus Rehab & Golf Performance in Dublin, Ohio

Improve flexibility, relieve soreness and improve performance


Improve and maintain your mobility with a custom stretch and recovery program. Individualized to your needs and consistently progressing, our physician will look to get you moving and feeling better!

Chiropractic physician, Dr. Bo Mathias performing stretching techniques to improve mobility at Columbus Rehab & Golf Performance in Dublin, Ohio


Improve your flexibility and increase your  range of motion to keep your joints and muscles mobile and healthy. The current societal norms of sedentary work and lifestyle can adversely affect our joints causing stiffness and discomfort over time. Our personalized stretch programs aim to restore your movement and get you feeling better. 


Does sitting at your desk cause a tight and achy neck and upper back? Feel the need stretch the low back throughout the day? Being in similar postures such as sitting at a desk all day can lead to tight muscles and discomfort. Our experienced doctor will work to improve the muscle tightness and relieve that discomfort in the process.

Chiropractic physician, Dr. Bo Mathias performing stretching techniques to relieve soreness at Columbus Rehab & Golf Performance in Dublin, Ohio
Golfer swinging a golf club on the backswing by Brandon Williams


Flexibility and range of motion are a crucial piece of the puzzle for physical performance. Whether you are looking to add a few yards to your game by getting a little more shoulder turn or simply looking feel looser before a that next 5k, we will look to get you closer to your individual goals!



Whether you are looking to feel looser, compete in athletics, or simply want to be able to keep up with the grandkids, improve your quality of life and enjoy the potential benefits of a stretching program.

  • Improve your performance in physical activities.

  • Decrease your risk of injuries.

  • Help your joints move through their full range of motion.

  • Increase muscle blood flow.

  • Enable your muscles to work most effectively.

  • Improve your ability to do daily activities.

Man smiling while jogging with a bottle of water in his hand


Chiropractic physician, Dr. Bo Mathias performing stretching techniques to relieve soreness at Columbus Rehab & Golf Performance in Dublin, Ohio


Improve and maintain your mobility with a custom stretch program. Individualized to your needs and consistently progressing, our physician will look to get you moving and feeling better!

Client receiving a Normatec treatment at Columbus Rehab & Golf Perofmance in Dublin, Ohio


Normatec uses dynamic air compression to advance your wellness, recover faster, improve your training, and maximize your performance. Normatec's technology helps to increase circulation, revive muscles, and reduce swelling.


Hypervolt accelerates your warmup and recovery time. It helps to relieve tension and unlock sore muscles using percussion massage.

Monthly Stretch & Wellness Programs

Take advantage of our monthly wellness stretch and mobility packages. Simply call to schedule an initial assessment and our physician will create a program based on your needs and goals. You enjoy the benefit of a custom and progressive wellness mobility plan 


8 Sessions
2x/week for 4 weeks
min session


4 Sessions
1x/week for 4 weeks
30 min session


Individual Session
30 min session

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